Scuba diving without air tanks
One of these days someone will figure out how we can breath water.
IsraCast: Scuba diving without air tanks
This is my personal blog and here you will find things I find interesting, strange, informative, and even silly.
One of these days someone will figure out how we can breath water.
IsraCast: Scuba diving without air tanks
Posted by
Peter Carroll (A.K.A. BAMA_MEDIC)
8:08 pm
This is a guy who has a old VW Bug that he made into a camper after it had problems. He now has it up for sale on E-bay.
read more | digg story
Posted by
Peter Carroll (A.K.A. BAMA_MEDIC)
3:27 am
Now that Rosie O'Donnell is not fighting with Donald Trump she has turned her attention to 9/11. Read the story at the link below and see for yourself.
National Ledger - Rosie O'Donnell Joins 9/11 Conspiracy Crowd
Posted by
Peter Carroll (A.K.A. BAMA_MEDIC)
4:21 am
Very interesting website
Lifehacker, the Productivity and Software Guide
Posted by
Peter Carroll (A.K.A. BAMA_MEDIC)
3:37 am
First let me state this, "We have part time Politicians here in Alabama giving themselves a 62% pay raise without asking us, The taxpayers if it is OK to do this first" Why do these people feel they deserve such a huge pay raise when the majority of the rest of the people struggle everyday just stay above water and make ends meet.
I feel we need to rethink the way a lot of things happen in this world and in my opinion one of the biggest things is the pay scale for people.
Why is it that the people who teach our kids, take care of our elderly, keep us safe from fires and crime are not truly paid commensurate to the work done. People like the Nurses and Nurses Aids that take care of our Parents, Grand-Parents and our mentally retarded. The only people in health care that are truely paid well are the doctors. Have you ever thought of what all they do in a day to take care of these people? Probably not. But it is not an easy job at all.
People like our Emergency Services personal such as Fire Departments, Ambulance drivers, EMTs & Paramedics. What about the Police that protect us from all of the bad guys out there. These men and women put there life on the line for "YOU & ME" everyday. They get up and go to work not knowing for sure if they will ever get to come home and see their family again. Do you think they are truly paid what they should be getting? I don't.
Think about how many times The people in the medical field come into contact with someone who has a debilitating and or deadly disease such as TB, Hepatitis, HIV just to name a few. DO YOU THINK THE ARE PAID ENOUGH? I DO NOT.
The majority of the people who do the majority of the hard work are the people who struggle the most daily to make ends meet. WHY?
I think we need to start standing up for these people and speak out about this. If you feel the same speak up now before it gets any worse.
Posted by
Peter Carroll (A.K.A. BAMA_MEDIC)
11:45 pm
Here is the text from a story I found about a man who blogged and spoke out against the Government of Egypt and insulting Islam. MAKES ME SO VERY GLAD TO BE AN AMERICAN!!!
Beginning of story:
A court in Egypt sentenced a blogger, Abdel Kareem Soliman, to four years in prison last week for insulting Islam and the country's president.
On his Google-owned 'karam903' blogspot site, Soliman had criticised Egypt's top Islamic institution, Al-Azhar University, calling it "the University of Terrorism", as well as referring to President Hosni Mubarak as a dictator.
My Arabic colleagues - who are, as you might imagine, rather more capable than me of digesting Soliman's blog - inform me that overall the site represents a liberal and broadly considered read, but that doesn't detract from just how seriously he caused the university, his previous employer (which pressed for Soliman's prosecution), to react to his writings.
Story continues below ↓
There are then simple lessons would-be personal publishers can learn from Soliman's case - particularly those who log on with ranting in mind.
The first is obvious: criticising religion and major religious institutions, particularly this region's predominant religion, raises temperatures quickly.
It's obvious to state, but the over-riding consideration here needs to be understanding and appreciating the country or region you're operating in.
Religion in the Arabic world does not, as it does for many Christians in the UK for example, constitute a yearly visit to some otherwise little-known building a car journey away; instead it's at the heart of everything.
Therefore to blast it in a generalistic manner or use highly emotive language borne to offend is, arguably, not the way to start affecting your readers' views.
The second factor to bear in mind is that criticizing the ruling government or powers has a similar effect.
Take the case of Dubai's popular Secret Dubai Diary expat blog. Once blocked by the UAE's regulator, this site is thought to have been returned thanks to popular reader demand and complaints directed at the TRA. It has since remained online. And why? Because, in my view at least, of its editor's awareness of the 'no slating government or religion' rule.
The anonymous writer does manage to slate everything else however, so in freedom of speech terms that writer isn't actually doing too badly.
Alternatively, check out popular Saudi blogger 'Blue Jeans' considered piece in Lebanon's Daily Star on how Middle East governments can actually benefit from blogging by learning more about the problems, thoughts and desires of their people. This is a fine example of how a blogger operating out of a strict media environment can get their thoughts across whilst remaining online and out of jail.
So long as you weren't planning to create a blog purely for the purpose of thoughtlessly slamming these two subjects, there's really nothing to fear from heading onto the internet with your own diary site.
And lastly, nor is there reason to think that freedom of speech progress cannot be made. Ihsan Attar is one blogger who will personally attest to that, as the Syrian "realistic dreamer" helped persuade the team behind - the largest Syrian online community in the world - to open up free forums there. Not a massive leap, but a notable one and made by one user through reasoning and persistence.
Is blogging here like the West? No of course not, but that's the point; understand what's possible, and what will cause you strife, and your blogging future should remain bright.
Link to the original story
Posted by
Peter Carroll (A.K.A. BAMA_MEDIC)
2:49 am
Windows Vista is less secure than XP: Kaspersky
visit the link below and read more info.
Microsoft partner: Vista less secure than XP: ZDNet Australia: News: Software
Posted by
Peter Carroll (A.K.A. BAMA_MEDIC)
2:11 am
This is just too funny. Do not visit the link below and watch the video unless your ready to laugh you butt off.
YouTube - Dad at Comedy Barn
Posted by
Peter Carroll (A.K.A. BAMA_MEDIC)
4:19 am
This is so cool. A real car made from wood.
Tryane II
Posted by
Peter Carroll (A.K.A. BAMA_MEDIC)
2:19 am
lots of car wrecks
Street Racing and Import Tuning Gallery - Car wrecks
Posted by
Peter Carroll (A.K.A. BAMA_MEDIC)
11:52 pm
Awesome Finger Paintings!!!
Posted by
Peter Carroll (A.K.A. BAMA_MEDIC)
5:44 pm
This is a very eye opening article that will make you say NO WAY! Read my comments below after you read the article for yourself.
I would have laughed those 2 guys off of my property. And if that didn't work I would have told them to arrest me and told my wife to call every newspaper and tv station she can and tell them about this crap. This is just a case that shows how "we", THE USA claim to be trying to cut our dependencies to foreign oil, but it is all just puff and blowing by the politicians. The reason why is that they are all lining their pockets with the kickbacks that they are getting from the oil companies by letting them raise the prices and gouge us the way they are and will continue to do. Please pass this on the everyone you know so that they will be able to see for themselves how our government is really treating its citizens.
Illinois Man Fined Thousands And Threatened With Felony Prosecution For Using Untaxed Biodiesel (TreeHugger)
Posted by
Peter Carroll (A.K.A. BAMA_MEDIC)
2:24 am
I bet these will have a rf id chip like the ones they use to track packages in them. If so then the cards will be able to be tracked, identified, and scanned from a distance. Some of these rf id chips have been scanned as far away as 1/4 mile or more. So if they are searching for someone they will just be able to ride around and look for the unique id code embedded into each and every card. What if they decide to put your religious choice on there? Or your political party choice? Then they will be able to separate us into different groups. Right? Sound familiar? Kind of like a tattoo of numbers maybe? Achtung!! Just my thought. Is this big brother? Yes it is in my opinion. Is this going to far? Well I will leave this up to each of you, but I think you should be aware of this either way. You can bet I will microwave mine as soon as they force me to have one.
FAQ: How Real ID will affect you | CNET
Posted by
Peter Carroll (A.K.A. BAMA_MEDIC)
3:35 pm