TravelJohn Products and Civilized Solutions For Bathroom Emergencies
Check out this website. Can you believe this? look around the site.
TravelJohn Products and Civilized Solutions For Bathroom Emergencies
Here is more on the same site.
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This is my personal blog and here you will find things I find interesting, strange, informative, and even silly.
Check out this website. Can you believe this? look around the site.
TravelJohn Products and Civilized Solutions For Bathroom Emergencies
Here is more on the same site.
and more
Posted by
Peter Carroll (A.K.A. BAMA_MEDIC)
9:30 pm
I passed my classes with no problem. I also passed my National Registry test on May 9th, 2007 and then graduated on Friday May 11th, 2007. So what this means is that I am now a Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician Basic level. I also went today and got my State of Alabama EMS & Trauma license. Now all I have to do is make it through Paramedic school which starts later this month.
I am so happy about all of this and can only thank my wife for all of the support. If it were not for her I would not even be here today and because of her I am here and doing well. THANK YOU!!!
Posted by
Peter Carroll (A.K.A. BAMA_MEDIC)
12:25 pm