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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Morse Code requirment is dead. R.I.P. 12-15-2006

The requirment for Hams to know Morse code is being dropped. Some people will be saying this is the death of amateur radio but I do not.

I think everyone is missing the point. I do not think we are losing anything. I feel we are going to gain a large group of new hams and hams upgrading their licenses. These will be people who will advance the hobby. Not all but some. I was a no code tech for a long time. I decided to buckle down and study the code and pass it. I got my 5wpm out of the way and 28 days later I was an Extra class license holder. Do I feel that the guys who will pass the test and upgrade without having to learn code are cheating or something? NOPE. I feel they have just as much right to use the frequencies as the rest of us. That is like saying that not having to parallel park on a driving test now means you are not a real driver. BS. You studied the question pool (or memorized it) and passed thats what counts. You hold a valid license and thats that.

Link to the article on the ARRL's website

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

SAVE YOUR OWN LIFE: Everybody needs one of these cards

As a Emergency Service person I strongly suggest that EVERYBODY SHOULD DO THIS. IT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE.

Everybody should take the time to help save their own life by taking a few minutes to fill this out and get this free card. This is a FREE Emergency medical card from Blue Cross Blue Shield. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE BLUE CROSS AS YOU INSURANCE COMPANY. It does not matter who you insurance company is or even if you have any insurance at all. Here is a little information about what this is. You sign up for this card and fill out everything about your medical conditions and medications your are taking. It also has places for emergency contact person(s) and your Doctors info. Also you can go in at anytime and update it for free. Then if your ever in the position that Emergency Service Personal need to know you medical information all they have to do is log into the website with a number that is on your card (side note: this login does not allow them to have access to your account where they can change your information, just access to your information you entered.

After filling this out both myself and my wife got our car within 2 days.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

World Trade Center movie

We just watched the Movie World Trade Center with Nicolas Cage and I have to say this is the best movie I have seen in a really really long time. It will make you hurt for the people who lost their lives that day all over again. It is hard to believe that it has been over 5 years since the attack on the US by the low life terrorists. God Bless the Families of all who lost their lives in the attack that day and all of our soldiers whom have died since then.


Friday, December 08, 2006

I will miss you James Kim

I feel a loss for the tech community. James Kim senior editor for C-Net died this week after trying to walk out of the deep wood in Oregon. He and his wife and 2 kids got stuck right after Thanksgiving and were lost up there for 9 days. His wife and kids were found after nine days but James had left 2 days earlier to try and get help. There was a massive search for him for several days but he was not found for several more days. In this time he had died from the elements. I am saddened by the loss but I am proud of him for his attempt to do something to try and help his family. My thoughts will be with his whole family.

Peace be with you.
